KCL INSURANCE, Ken Lickel Independent Agent
Medicare Advantage, Part D Drug and Supplemental Health Plans
Do any of these situations apply to you?
- Recently became eligible for Medicare.
- Lost or losing employer group coverage.
- Moving out of your health plans service area.
- Tired of excessive insurance premium rate increases.
- Looking for increased benefits or coverage
If this is the case I can help educate you and your family about many of the popular health plans and choices that are available and approved in your Wisconsin county and help you make sense of your many different options.
Please note: Although you may apply for traditional Medicare supplemental insurance (Medigap) and insurance product such as dental and indemnity plans year round, enrollment or disenrollment in and out of Medicare Advantage (MA/MAPD) (Part C) health plans and Prescription Drug Plans (PDP) (Part D) are only available for enrollment at certain times of the year. Examples are:
- Annual Election Period (AEP) is October 15th – December 7th annually, for January 1st enrollments.
- Initial Enrollment Period/Initial Coverage Election Period (IEP/ICEP)
- Special Election Periods (SEP) as specified by Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS) rules. Examples are getting married, moving, or a beneficiary may join an Advantage Plan or Prescription Drug Plan with a performance rating of 5 stars at any time between December 8 – November 30 each year. This SEP may be used only once each year.
Check with us for availability of Five (5) Star (SEP) plans. - Open Enrollment Period (OEP) is January 1st – March 31st annually. This period allows consumers a one time opportunity to switch MA/MAPD plans or disenroll from their MA/MAPD plan and return to original Medicare which allows them to enroll in a PDP during the same time frame. Beneficiaries on original Medicare may not make part D changes though.
- Open Enrollment Periods/Institutionalized (OEPI)
RE:Traditional Medicare Supplement plans
If you are aging into or are new to Parts A and B of Medicare (within 6 months), you will be in an open enrollment period. This means if you apply for a traditional Medicare supplement during this time frame, there will be no health underwriting. No health underwriting also applies for guaranteed issue. IE: involuntary loss of your present Medicare Advantage or group health coverage within 63 days. If you are not in these situations and would like to purchase a traditional Medicare supplement, health underwriting will generally apply
KCL INSURANCE, Ken Lickel Independent Agent
I am always happy to be of assistance and answer your questions!
Neither KCL Insurance nor Ken Lickel is connected with the Federal Medicare Program.

MyHealthPlan – Your guide to finding the right Medicare plan! Click on the link below and answer a few questions to get cost estimates for plans in your area.
We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent [5] organizations which offer [39] products in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options.